The Ministry of Public Works, as published today by the Official State Gazette (BOE), provisionally approved on July 23, 2018, the Improvement Project of the Link of the A-7 Motorway at PK 575, right bank (Link with the -344), in the Region of Murcia, and ordered the initiation of the Public Information File of the aforementioned project.
The planned works will improve road safety and the capacity of the existing link at kilometer 575 of the A-7 motorway, by extending traffic lanes on the branch line to the Torres de Cotillas and Javalí Nuevo.
The announcement that is now published in the BOE publicizes the aforementioned resolution of approval and opens the procedure of Public Information of the aforementioned project, in accordance with Law 39/2015, of October 1, on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations , and in compliance with the provisions of article 12.4 of the current law of 37/2015, of highways, and together with the corresponding list of assets and rights whose expropriation is necessary, in accordance with articles 18 and 19.1 of the Law of December 16, 1954, of Forced Expropriation.
Source: Ministerio de Fomento