When we reach the final stage of this Legislature, it is time to recapitulate what is the closest to the citizen's policy, the municipal one, the basis of genuine democracy.
It is an occasion in which, therefore, an infinity of emotions, feelings and sensations of diverse expression are concentrated.
Words and gestures in the provision of projects, of expectations, of future, of hope, of demands, concerns, demands but mainly what is never missing is that look at the near horizon, a positive vision, of optimism, sincerity, with the desire to solve problems , face challenges, reach challenges.
Life changes, times go by, human stages follow one another, and that is that we change over time with the consequent generational change but always remaining that philosophy of good governance that has characterized a town hall that is on the street, that of being practical instrument, useful to transform every day to better a municipality, its conditions of quality of life.
A task of local management that must never ignore a clean, transparent, exemplary task, at the service of the neighbors, focused second by second and in equal parts to solve the problems of citizenship and with a long vision of the future.
And it is that a commitment of government in a sufficient majority is gained from the constant delivery, the rendering of accounts before the neighbors, the permanent dialogue, the will of agreement, consensus, as ingredients of an adequate and enforceable exercise of public service.
This is the primordial recipe of the essential policy, the proximity of a Consistory open to its neighborhood, which takes into account the economic, social and participatory agents, small businessmen, entrepreneurs who should see an ally in the town hall in its projects to attract / create / consolidate productive fabric and generator of employment.
We must continue with this strategy of being an active lever of advancement policies for a municipality, also seeking the collaboration of the other Public Administrations to continue promoting services, infrastructures, ..., as an institution that guarantees the general interests of a locality.
Do not forget that a mayor or a councilor is that public office that lives next to his neighbor, which coincides with him day to day, a mayor or councilman who is recognized when walking on the street, a mayor or a councilor that takes part of first hand in the decisions of future of the municipality.
Paraphrasing the Castilian King Alfonso X El Sabio, a mayor must be the first neighbor, the first servant to his municipality and his fellow citizens.
Because every town is an immense public square where neighbors of every age, condition, sensibility, a breakwater and constructive forum of diverse interests, desires, desires ... converge in a space as a center of coexistence to take forward ideas of improvement and solution of the everyday life of a locality, where contradictions, conflicts and differences are overcome with illusions, expectations of going more and better.
Let's keep adding.
Source: JJRM