This past weekend was held in the municipal pavilion 'Mireia Belmonte' Las Torres de Cotillas the sixth round of the five-star national circuit of the Spanish Federation of Badminton.
An event in which the members of the Badminton Las Torres club signed a great participation, with a first place obtained by Carmen María Martínez in women's doubles B1 -compiendo with María Lozano- and three third parties achieved by Antonio Brao, Lolo Berrocal and Cándido Osorio.
More than 100 players from all over the country -and even from abroad- gathered at this tournament for participants between 30 and 75 years old, in which the Higher Council of Sports and the Department of Physical Activity and Sports collaborated.
"This is a tournament with great roots in our municipality, since it is the fourth occasion that was disputed after the editions of 2015, 2016 and 2018", explains the mayor, Isabel María Zapata, who highlights the importance of this sport in Las Torres of Cotillas.
"We had competitors from 40 clubs, who played a total of 230 games spread over 9 tracks and in the modalities of singles and doubles," says the councilman.
In this event they collaborated the Federation Badminton Region of Murcia, the General Directorate of Sports, the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Iberdrola, Bádmiton Las Torres, Axil Developments, Hero, LaLiga Sports, Hero, Hotel Los Romeros, La Loma , Regiomur Vending and Deas Vending.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas