The City of Las Torres de Cotillas is working on the implementation of the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) Las Torres Conecta, financed by a grant of 5 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain 201420a which adds a municipal share of 1,250,000 euros.
For the correct performance of the functions, responsibilities and commitments assumed, the Torreño City Council recently held on February 28 two training sessions aimed at its technical staff in the economic area and recruitment, as well as Social Services, Environment and Health, Urban Planning, Equality, New Technologies, Employment to equip them with the knowledge and skills required in the field of FEDER Funds.
The first session focused on economic and financial aspects, and the second on the selection and execution of operations, proposals in which the technical and political staff of the Management Unit for the selection of Operations and the Las Torres Conecta Office participated, responsible for the coordination of said Strategy.
Both affected the aspects of information, communication and visibility, as well as the procedures for the fight against fraud and conflict of interest, which are fundamental for the management of the funds.
Another meeting
In addition, a meeting was previously held with the executing units to define and plan good practices in management and communication of the application of ERDF funds, for the execution of EDUSI.
In this strategy, the Torreño City Council assumes different functions, commitments and responsibilities derived from its status as a light intermediate body and promoter / beneficiary of operations financed through the strategy itself.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas