Work has already begun in the office of the Los Pulpites neighborhood of Las Torres de Cotillas so that the Murcian Health Service can implant a physiotherapy service.
These are works of conditioning of the space ceded by the Torreño City Council in this multipurpose neighborhood center to provide this service in the best possible conditions in the municipality.
Currently the neighbors of Las Torres de Cotillas who need these services have to travel to Ceuta, which means spending more time and sometimes causes patients to not go and lose their treatment.
However, in a few weeks users will be able to receive this service in these facilities, for greater convenience.
Also gynecology
This new health service is added to the recent addition to the Torreño Health Center of a Gynecological Support Unit (UGA), where a specialist provides services to their patients referred by family doctors, and from a pediatrician, who elevated four specialists of this service that assists the population of children under 13 years of age, which in the municipality is around 4,000 people.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas