The wise man said that poetry does not belong to those who write it, but to those who need it.
The Spanish translation of a composition in poetic prose published and broadcast with great success on social networks last Monday by the American teacher and hospital caregiver Kitty O'Meara is reproduced below:
And people stayed home.
And I read books and listened.
And he rested and exercised.
And I created art and played.
And he learned new ways of being, of being still.
And it stopped.
And I listened more deeply.
Some meditated.
Some prayed.
Some danced.
Some found their shadows.
And people started to think differently.
And the people were healed.
And, in the absence of people living in ignorance and danger, senseless and heartless, the Earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed and the people came together again, they mourned their losses, they made new decisions, they dreamed new images, they created new ways of living and they completely healed the earth, just as they had been healed.
Juan José Ruiz Moñino.
Source: Juan José Ruiz Moñino.