What these coronavirus days cannot overcome is the spirit, the brotherly sentiment that for generations has harbored the hearts of thousands of torreños.
It is a value that defies trances like the one we live in, an inner force of devotion that in itself is courage, challenge and prayer for a tomorrow free of threats.
With that decision, Easter is there, present on the balconies of our municipality, showing the banners that make up the best ID of any brother of pro, the endearing sign that in that home of warmth that shows a banner, in that house that It is the scene in these days of forced confinement lives a family that belongs to the field of local Easter.
And, just as that is a symbol of belonging to something great, to a brotherhood full of coexistence and belief in the common, a great family, this Exhibition of Dioramas of the Passion of Christ is also a mark of human, artistic and religious quality which is installed at the headquarters of the Cabildo Superior de Cofradías, at number 11 of the Plaza Mayor.
A jewel made with exquisite detail and overflowing preciousness over four years thanks to the teamwork of a group of confreres who have left to the delight of neighbors and visitors that scale image of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord as a testimony to the whole world of something unique, extraordinary and permanent in the context of the Region of Murcia.
A treasure of great cultural relevance in our land ready to visit and appreciate and that in this video made by the Honorary President of the Cabildo Superior de Cofradías, José Sánchez Vidal, we show the universe of the Network of Networks as a window, as a showcase for Come and see, a heritage of beauty made with the illusion of men and women who believe in the most beautiful thing that a soul can distill, faith, and are capable of proclaiming it to the four winds.
Source: JJRM