The managing director of the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), Miguel Angel Miralles, recently presented in Las Torres de Cotillas diplomas to the participants in the courses of social and professional integration Plan Gypsy Development, which runs the Imas with FSG and those who spent a total of 168,000 euros.
Miralles said that "the Roma population is a population group of special social vulnerability" because "there is a minority segment, consisting of people experiencing social exclusion, in which the economic crisis and job losses has to have greater effects than on the whole population, so we try to further affect the employability of these people. "
In addition, the National Strategy for social inclusion of the Roma population in Spain 2012-2020 Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has provided greater budget to co-finance projects of social intervention comprehensive.
The budget increase has meant that the allocation this year of ministry for the region over the previous year tripled.
Thus, the coverage Gypsy Development Plan has been extended to eight municipalities, including Cotillas Towers, to meet one of the criteria used for the selection of municipalities.
Miralles said that the Imas subsidizes, through the FSG, performances for labor integration and improving the employability of people at risk social exclusion or with special difficulties.
Thus, in the course of Cotillas Towers 44 Roma people participated.
Through these programs personalized itineraries of labor and social inclusion, including actions aimed at promoting the acquisition of personal and work habits and skills and overcoming social difficulties of the person are developed.
The plan also includes social intervention projects comprehensive character for care, prevention and integration of Roma, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, serving about 1,700 people in the region.
Source: CARM