The exchange program between schools IES "Salvador Sandoval" Las Torres de Cotillas and "Paul Klee Gymnasium" in Rottenburg am Neckar (Germany) continues to bear fruit and now the center Torrena twelve students are housed on German soil in the homes of their "brothers" Teutons.
Spanish students, aged between 14 and 17, are accompanied by two of their teachers and are in this town near Stuttgart studying climate change, as this exchange is part of the project "Comenius" funded by the European Union.
On June 29 the group was received by the Mayor of Rottenburg, who explained the municipal policies that continue to matter.
In addition to the days worked on the project, students have visited a town that operates autonomously with renewable energy and bioenergy facilities of a town near Lake Constance (on the border with Switzerland).
Plastic art
Also, coordinated by a group of renowned artists of the region, and Karsten Schmidt Herbert R.
Wieprich, young people have developed artistic Torrena related to climate protection as a way to raise public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.
His upcoming visit is the Mercedes Museum in Stuttgart, where they meet the latest developments and research of the trademark for the use of alternative energy applied to the automotive industry.
This exchange, the first part took place last October with the visit of the Germans to students Cotillas Towers, completed by Spanish youths on 12 July.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas