With the conference "psychosis onset in adolescence" by the associate professor at the University of Murcia and Deputy Medical Psychiatry Service of the Arrixaca HUV, Francisco Toledo Romero, has started at 10 hours, the first day of the University del Mar Las Torres de Cotillas.
The talks are taking place in the Casa de la Cultura "Pedro Serna" and throughout the day July 27 and until the 29th, will address "conduct disorders in children and adolescents. Prevention diagnosis and treatment."
The conference was opened by the Councillor for Staff, Carmen Lorena Lara and the Councillor for Finance, Alfonso Sandoval of the City of Las Torres de Cotillas.
At 11.30 hours lecture was the second day, led by Professor of the University of Murcia and Chief of Psychiatry of the Arrixaca HUV, José Hernández Martínez, entitled "Anxiety Disorders."
Then, starting at 13.30, was the turn of Mercedes Sanchez de las Matas Mecca, Deputy Medical Psychiatry Service at the Arrixaca HUV which featured the conference "attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity."
A crash course
On Thursday, July 28, the day will start at 9 am with the talk "Techniques of exploration in psychology assessment of disruptive behavior" by Joaquín Martínez Parra, Professor of the University of Murcia.
After 11 hours, will be the turn of Associate Professor at the University of Murcia, Antonia Maria Sanchez Lazaro, with the presentation "behavior modification programs in initial vocational training programs (PCPI)."
Then, at 13 hours, will be Associate Professor at the University of Murcia, José Antonio Rabadan Rubio, who will deliver the lecture "The family role in behavioral and learning disorders."
In the afternoon, starting at 19 hours, will be a panel discussion titled "Conduct disorder and its social, psychopathological and legal," which will involve Rubio Jose Antonio Rabadan (moderator), Emilio Calatayud Pérez , Juvenile Court Judge of the Audiencia Provincial de Granada, José Antonio Gómez Cobacho, Rector of University of Murcia, Francisco Toledo Romero.
The last day of the Universidad del Mar in Las Torres de Cotillas start at 9 am with the conference "The bullying and cyberbullying as manifestations of behavioral disorders", by the Research Fellow at the University of Murcia, Ana María Giménez Gualdo.
Then at 11 am will be the turn of the Professor of the University of Murcia, José Luis Fuentes Melero, who will give the presentation "differential outcomes procedure to improve the discrimination learning in children with and without pathology."
Finally, the closing conference of the offer the Professor of the University of Valencia, Vicente Garrido Genovés, entitled "Conduct disorder at home: children's entrepreneurs."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas