The Youth House Cotillas Towers will host a new workshop "express" child craft that begins tomorrow, Wednesday September 4 during the mornings and will feature its second day the next day.
Organized by the local Youth Council and aimed at children aged 7 to 12 years, has 12 seats and its tuition is 3'20 euros.
In this workshop, whose two classes will be held from 10 to 12.30 hours, the township children demonstrate their manual skills and learn new techniques, materials and work in this discipline.
"We have been making several similar proposals throughout the summer to offer children a fun activity and learn new ways to enjoy your free time in a healthy and constructive" explains Torrena Youth Councillor, Sonia Martinez.
Those interested in gathering more information or to register, please go to the local Informajoven service, located at City Hall, or call 968 626 511.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas