Once again last summer Cotillas Towers Spanish classes for immigrants, taught by volunteer body of Center Township Social Services and coordinated by the local Social Services Department.
Thus, the Women's Center-located on the premises of the Municipal Auditorium "John Bath" - hosts on Tuesdays from 20:30 to 22 hours these classes aimed at foreigners with non-Spanish speaking knowing the language.
"The classes are conducted with great expertise by volunteer Lucas Camacho and aims immigrants to obtain a minimum knowledge of the Spanish language to facilitate their integration in the city", explains the council responsible for the area, Fine Almela.
There is a specific group formed by students of different nationalities and that under the name of "Women between Cultures" develops their classes on Wednesdays from 10-12 am in the same scenario.
This initiative, led by volunteers torreñas Toni Mari Perez-Belchi and promotes the Spanish language and culture through various activities such as sewing, crochet, crafts, recipes ...
"From the Department of Social Services I take to to publicly thank the volunteers that make it possible to continue doing activities with this group of immigrants," says Fina Almela, remember that these activities are coordinated and supervised by Centre Employees Social Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas