Last week the Department of New Technologies Cotillas Towers signed a new free course WALA Classroom of the Youth House in the town.
With the title "Introduction to New Technologies - Word III", classes are developed in early morning on 16, 18 and 19 September-four hours each day, and was attended by 10 students.
In these courses, students are starting to use the word processing program and are learning basics to use it both at home and at work.
Previously I have held both in the Youth House and in the House of Culture "Pedro Serna" Torreño municipality other courses-all free of charge and with limited places-, which have focused on Internet, Online Office, Word ...
Training for all users
"These are basic courses that aim to provide training for both users with no or very elementary knowledge in the field of computer and its tools as other more versed" said Councilwoman Torrena New Technologies, Lorena Lara.
"Students will learn from such essential aspects how to manage the Windows environment or surf the Internet to other more experienced as the use of the most common word processing programs, spreadsheets, and presentations." Says the mayor, who notes that these courses by subject, to be held until the end of the year, will have a different workload.
Those interested in gathering more information about upcoming training proposals please contact the Department of New Technologies (968 626 511).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas