Local police Towers Cotillas account a few days ago with another car coming to join the fleet which carries out its work in the town.
This vehicle, a Seat Ibiza, has been transferred to the local council for free by the Directorate General of Heritage and Telecommunications, an agency of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. "With this new addition from the fleet of the Autonomous Community there are now 14 vehicles that account for our local police service, with a total of 6 cars and 8 motorcycles, "says local councilor for Public Safety, José Pedro Noguera.
The vehicle was delivered by Director General of Heritage and Telecommunications, Miriam Perez, in an act that Noguera was accompanied by Torreño of Finance, Angel Gonzalez, and the chief officer of the local police of the municipality, Juan Arnaldos.
Also, the mayor of Public Safety Torreño recalled that last August this security incorporated a new vehicle, in this case "a Peugeot 308 model equipped with the latest own police cars such technologies."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas