The City of Las Torres de Cotillas has awarded the works of the Works and Services Plan (POS) 2015, which includes expanding and strengthening the firm in prolonging Labour Avenue, in the section next to the antenna of Radio Nacional Spain, for a total of 105,000 euros to the company "Excavations Galmar, SL".
This project, which will have a deadline of three months, will be fully funded by the regional government.
"In the beginning was tendered at 121,000 euros, but have produced low in the auction price of the municipal contribution will not be necessary," said Councilman Municipal Works, Alfonso Sandoval.
In this way a section of road of 9 meters, with two lanes of three meters and a half and one meter shoulders each be defined, with the aim of establishing a hub that offers sufficient capacity and security to ensure the passage of the many heavy vehicles daily supports this approach.
In addition, speed retarders be placed and proceed to a complete renovation of both horizontal and vertical signs.
"This is one of the main arteries of access to industrial estates in the municipality with a large load of heavy vehicles, it was necessary to repair to continue the revitalization of the local economy," said the mayor.
More actions
Furthermore, in the POS 2015 Las Torres de Cotillas other actions are planned that will focus on the renewal of pavements and sidewalks adequacy in various parts of town.
So, we will proceed to strengthen the firm with a layer of 5 cm sections of asphalt on the streets Domingo Peron, Antonio Machado, Bécquer, Christopher Columbus Institute, Fernández Caballero and Verdi.
In addition, we will proceed to the paving of sidewalks in sections of the streets Santa Rita, Florentino Lapuente and Lorenzo Vicens, and Avenue of the pulpit.
"These works will improve the safety of both drivers and pedestrians, and to be made in coming to the market esplanade downtown streets," said Sandoval, who notes that also contribute to "improving the commercial hub of Avenida Juan Carlos I ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas