On Friday October 24th completed week of academic, cultural and social that have staged a dozen students from the "Bloxham School in Oxford (England) in the classrooms of IES Salvador Sandoval" Las Torres de Cotillas.
This committee, composed of teachers and students English has enjoyed since the 17th of October in the town a few days Torrena where they participated in the social, cultural and academic city with their hosts.
Thus, students of Oxford Bloxham School, who have stayed and lived with local families have participated in international exchange activities such as visits to the cities of Granada, Alicante and Murcia, where they enjoyed their main environments historical and monumental-friendly football matches and farewell party.
Destination Oxford
For its part, the month of April will, predictably, when 22 students Torreño 1st and 2nd year of IES Salvador Sandoval "fly, accompanied by two teachers of the English Department of the center to the British city of Oxford to spend one week to enjoy the host of his English hosts.
They will have the opportunity to put the batteries with English and, incidentally, a unique experience that will let you know as well as Oxford and its surroundings, customs, habits and characteristics of British society.
In addition, for this year include to be 22 students of IES Salvador Sandoval "participants in this room exchange with the Bloxham School, up from 15 last year, and that for the first time there will be students of 1 Bachelor's Oxford expedition next April.
"This increase in the number of students involved shows how the exchange with the 'Bloxham School is an initiative established and increasingly interested in our youth because, well acquainted with English, they can live a unique experience at various levels" , have both highlighted the council's Education and Youth Torreño Consistory, Pedro José Cabrera and Pedro Noguera.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas