Two days of hard partying and fun living to honor its patron saint, the Virgin of the Assumption.
That's what I have experienced this weekend, neighbors of the pulpit, a hamlet of Las Torres de Cotillas.
So, on Friday 14 August, the children were the protagonists in the evening with various activities and games that were developed exclusively for them in the garden of the parish, that when night fell vibrated with the performance-in the same place-the Joint ensemble "Duo Platinum."
This was a perfect excuse for pulpiteros takes to the streets to enjoy the music and the company of their neighbors until the wee hours of the morning.
The second and final day of celebration, on Saturday 15 August, was marked by religious ceremonies, which began already in the afternoon with the celebration of mass.
When the ceremony ended, the streets of the hamlet lived the procession of the patroness, the Virgin of the Assumption, which was sheltered by a large number of faithful.
Edge of the festivities were closed early, brief but intense, with a magnificent fireworks display.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Las Torres de Cotillas